Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Bathrobe

Note: This is usually a blog about education or tutoring.  Today I'm veering away from that subject to talk about friendship.  It doesn't have much to do with education, but I'll tell you this:  I am a better teacher, a better wife, a better mother because of my friends.  Here is just a glimpse of our story.

20 years ago, two bored college students found an ugly peach bathrobe in the give-away box.  It was a Friday night.  Our Christian College was not known for the night life.  We decided to wrap it up in a beautiful package and give it to another friend.  We called it Fashion Awareness Day, or FAD for short.  We’ve been celebrating ever since.

Behind the scenes of our Infinity Picture. (A picture of us, looking at a picture of us, looking at a picture of us...)
When we left the utopia that is college, we thought we were so grown up.  So old.  So wise.  We soon learned that life is hard.  One of us has fought leukemia.  She is cancer free now.  Two of us have children with special needs.  Three of us homeschool.  Two of us have lived overseas.  One lives in a dangerous country as a missionary.   All four of us are teachers.  Together we have faced heartbreak, disappointment, and sickness.  Together we have laughed, prayed, and dreamed.  Together.  And even though we live so far away from each other, somehow God and the bathrobe keep us close. 
When one of us is hurting, we send them the bathrobe.
Yes, I know there is a book with a similar theme.  That book was published in 2003. We started FAD in 1997.  WE HAD THE BATHROBE FIRST.
The Traveling Bathrobe
This weekend, I had the privilege of spending 4 glorious days with these dear friends. 
We laughed; we cried; we prayed. 
We celebrated Fashion Awareness Day. 
And some day we will be together again.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage each other and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

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